Given the input JSON from the 'table' under a column named '_value'. I would like to replace the field "sc" as text from object to value of name under sc.
The json before updating looks like this.
"iProps": [
"value": {
"rules": [
"ao": {
"sc": {
"web_link": "",
"name": "name"
"ao": {
"sc": ""
The json after updating should look like this.
"iProps": [
"value": {
"rules": [
"ao": {
"sc": "name"
"ao": {
"sc": ""
I tried the below query to get to 'rules' array but having difficulty to proceed further in parsing and updating.
WITH values AS (
SELECT iprop -> 'value' -> 'rules' AS value FROM
table t,jsonb_array_elements(t._value->'iProps') AS
iprop )
from values, jsonb_array_elements(
throws following error
ERROR: column does not exist
LINE 26: from values, jsonb_array_elements(
SQL state: 42703
Character: 1396