I have created a Bindings Library as detailed here https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/samples/xamarin/monodroid-samples/javaintegration-aarbinding/ for a .aar file.
This exposes a method
GetBarCode (global::Com.Scandecode.Inf.IScanInterfaceOnScanListener scanListener)
IScanInterfaceOnScanListener inherits IJavaObject, IJavaPeerable.
How do I implement the inherited methods from IJavaPeerable so I can call this method?
void SetJniIdentityHashCode(int value)
void SetPeerReference(JniObjectReference reference)
void SetJniManagedPeerState(JniManagedPeerStates value
void UnregisterFromRuntime()
void DisposeUnlessReferenced()
void Disposed()
void Finalized()
OR Is there a problem with my bindings library? This is the example Java code given:
scanDecode.getBarCode(new ScanInterface.OnScanListener() {
public void getBarcode(String data) {
public void getBarcodeByte(byte[] bytes) {
// scancount+=1;
// tvcound.setText(getString(R.string.scan_time)+scancount+"");
// mReception.append(DataConversionUtils.byteArrayToString(bytes) +"
ScanInterface.OnScanListener does not appear to be generated by the Bindings library.
Background: This is for integration with a hardware barcode scanner on a Newland SD100 tablet.
Edit: Seems similar to implementing IEventListener, will do some more research
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65887864/xamarin-android-java-bindings-library-and-ijavapeerable-implementation