I have been trying to convert a set of GeoTIFF files into MBTiles using gdal_translate (GDAL 3.0.4). My command looks as follows:
gdal_translate -of MBTiles -ot Byte -strict -scale 0 255 bogota.tif bogota.mbtiles
The GeoTIFF image is successfully converted to MBTiles, and I am able to render it using QGIS. However, it appears that the result is somewhat compressed, or that the new image has lost some resolution. I have been experimenting with the -outsize
option and trying to force it to 100% of the original size of the image, but with no success.
Is there a way to make sure that the result maintains the full resolution in the output?
Here are some screenshots to compare the results:
Note: GeoTIFF image is taken from the following link: https://download.osgeo.org/geotiff/samples/made_up/bogota.tif
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65885109/how-to-avoid-compression-when-converting-geotiff-to-mbtiles