I use BluetoothGatt.requestMtu(512)
in my android application.
First time it works well
But Right after Mtu is changed automatically to 23 (default)
I dont know what is the problem...
this a log
`D/BluetoothGatt: setCharacteristicNotification() - uuid: 0000fff1-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb enable: true
D/BluetoothGatt: configureMTU() - device: 74:F0:7D:C0:CB:68 mtu: 512
D/BluetoothGatt: onConfigureMTU() - Device=74:F0:7D:C0:CB:68 mtu=23 status=0
D/BluetoothGatt: discoverServices() - device: 74:F0:7D:C0:CB:68
D/BluetoothGatt: onSearchComplete() = Device=74:F0:7D:C0:CB:68 Status=0
I/gattSuccess: gattSuccess`
this is in onMtuChanged() so it works infinite loop
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65883084/android-ble-mtu-size