I'm trying to bind my geolocation with a picture and send it to my backend (in Angular). I get correctly the geolocation but when I make the POST call, the geolocation becomes empty in the body request. HOW/WHY TF?
Here is an example of my problem: https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-nbrov5 (maybe need to open it 'live' to have geolocation working https://angular-nbrov5.stackblitz.io/ )
makeCall() {
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(position => {
console.log("My position is ", position);
let postObject = {
position: position,
positionJSONified: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(position)),
latitude: position.coords.latitude,
longitude: position.coords.longitude,
nested: { toto: 1234, tata: { tutu: "hello" } }
.post("https://anyurl.com", postObject)
}, console.error);
I got the geolocation correctly:
but is empty (not null) in POST:
This isn't be a backend-server issue because this happens in the POST Call, not in the response. Looks like this is a reference issue. Therefore I tried the old JSON.parse/JSON.stringify and the spread operator but even this, the location remains empty. Hints? The geolocation content is readonly. Is this for security purposes?
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65882595/angular-geolocation-becomes-empty