I have a custom popUp that contains : a form and a grid inside of a tabPanel, i want to validate the form first, stay in the same popup then enable the grid and work with it
@using (Html.BeginForm("PostWithForm", "OrdresTravailMecanique", FormMethod.Post))
.Items(items =>
//the validation button for the form
.ButtonOptions(b => b.Text("Enregistrer")
.Items(items =>
.Template(new TemplateName("TachesOtAddGrid"));
public async Task<IActionResult> PostWithForm(EditerOrdreTravailModel values)
Problem is : The submitBehaviourButton sends me to a diffrent view, so i can't work with the grid after submiting the form
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65882347/devextreme-submit-form-to-controller