I'm rellay happy with that community here. I found many answers in different cases. But this time I don't find one. So maybe someone can help me?
I'm working on a telegram bot using php and webhook updates. I track if my bot is added in a group chat by "new_chat_member" or "group_chat_created" and by "left_chat_member" if it got deleted from that groupe. UNtil then everything works fine.
If I - as admin - and the bot are the last two members and I delete the chat in the telegram app, I just get a "left_chat_member" for me (the last user in the groupe). But what about the bot? Isn't the chat deletet completely? Is the groupe remaining just with the bot as a member? Got someone an idea how to catch that situation? I would need something like "chat_deleted"
Thanks a lot, Markus
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65880736/catching-event-of-deleting-a-groupe-chat-in-telegram-bot-api