I'm writing a paper on malware and malware analysis and would like to include a bit on polymorphic malware(Code that changes itself), not to be confused with polymorphism is OOP.
My hypothesis is that it changes the function names which change the file signature. So for example I did a test and went into vim and changed some of the function names in my hello world program which was written in c(The actual executable) and it did not change the way the code executed but it changed the file signature.
So am I wrong or is there more to it? I know there's metamorphic code which inserts instructions and changes the actual flow of the program but I'm just talking about obfuscation and how basic polymorphic code works. If someone could answer me or point me to a research paper that would be awesome!
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65877330/how-does-polymorphic-code-work-on-the-exe-file