I'm trying to deploy a Shiny app to shinyapps.io and i'm coming across the message: "exited normally with code 137, signal 9 (SIGKILL)". The app runs fine locally and takes under 1 minute to load.
I thought this was coming from the size of some files i'm uploading as part of the bundle, they are over 1Gb and i'm limited to 1Gb (as per this post). So i changed this bit in the code (after zipping the heavy files, making the total size way below the 1Gb limit)
files <- list.files('dpe/', pattern = "csv")
dpe <- data.frame()
for (i in files) {
current_DF <- fread(paste0("dpe/",i))
current_DF$date_arrete_tarifs_energies <- as.IDate(current_DF$date_arrete_tarifs_energies)
dpe <- rbind(dpe,current_DF)
to this:
files <- list.files(pattern = "csv")
dpe <- data.frame()
for (i in files) {
current_DF <- fread(i)
current_DF$date_arrete_tarifs_energies <- as.IDate(current_DF$date_arrete_tarifs_energies)
dpe <- rbind(dpe,current_DF)
Note: apparently, when unzipping, the files end up in the root folder of the app (link)
I still get the same error message... I'm not sure i'm interpreting this message correctly. Any thoughts? What are my options?
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65868722/shiny-exited-normally-with-code-137-signal-9-sigkill