I have created a module for a Bacnet scan and it will respond with a list of devices and its address as a result. But I'm having trouble implementing a direct method handler in python. When i first tried implementing it myself i got this error. Which could mean I didn't successfully register the direct method callback. I have some references but it was from C# and azure docs is not helping me figure out the right method to register the callback. for IoTHubModuleClient there's a on_method_request_received and a receive_method_request. appreciate any help!
def iothub_client_scan_run():
iot_client = iothub_client_init()
bacnet_scan_listener_thread = threading.Thread(target=device_method_listener, args=(iot_client,))
bacnet_scan_listener_thread.daemon = True
while True:
def device_method_listener(iot_client):
while True:
# Receive the direct method request
method_request = iot_client.receive_method_request()
print (
Method callback called with:
methodName = {method_name}
payload = {payload}".format(
if method_request.name == "runBacnetScan":
response = bacnet_scan_device(method_request)
response_payload = {"Response": "Direct method {} not defined".format(method_request.name)}
response_status = 404
# Send a method response indicating the method request was resolved
print('Sending method response')
print('Message sent!')
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65865673/iot-edge-direct-method-handler-in-python