I'm trying to merge a page with extra data.
There is now output if I do it the following way.
{% assign extra = site.data.extra | where_exp: "search", "search.stg_kurz == page.stg_kurz" %}
{{ extra.teaser | markdownify }}
But if I do it that way, there is an output, but why?
{% assign extras = site.data.extra | where_exp: "search", "search.stg_kurz == page.stg_kurz" %}
{{ extras.teaser | markdownify }}
{% for extra in extras %}
{{ extra.teaser | markdownify }}
{% endfor %}
There is always only one dataset, that matches the page.variable
Can anyone help or has some tips?
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65862247/jekyll-liquid-mergin-a-page-with-extra-data-from-data