I'm trying to write some more sophisticated code. I have a problem which I have a solution for, but I would like to increase the flexibility of the code.
Input data (d):
ID Height_cm Height_m Weight_kg Weight_lb
1 180 70
2 165 120
3 1.8 80
4 100 60
5 190 200
6 1.7 100
I want to transform height into cm and weight in to kg, all in one column like this:
ID Height Weight
1 180 70
2 165 54
3 180 80
4 100 45
5 190 90
6 170 100
I have a solution, but it's hard-coded:
d$Height <- NA
d$Weight <-NA
d$Height <- ifelse(!is.na(d$Height_cm), d$Height_cm, d$Height_m * 0.01)
d$Weight <- ifelse(!is.na(d$Weight_kg), d$Weight_kg, d$Weight_lb * 0.45)
d <- d %>% select(ID, Height, Weight)
I want to be more sophisticated and take in an input file (below) and make the transformation based on that dataframe. The results will be the same, but it uses this transformation df to achieve the same thing:
marker unit new_col_name transformation
Height_cm centimetre Height 1
Height_m metre Height 0.01
Weight_kg kilogram Weight 1
Weight_lb pounds Weight 0.45
This is where I'm stuck... I'd appreciate some guidance.
Go easy, I'm new to R!
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65859760/transforming-columns-based-off-separate-dataframe-r-solution