I am a novice Git/BitBucket user and I have a big problem. I made some coding changes and did an initial commit/ push back to the repository from my local branch to the remote branch. Since that time have made many changes but only committed and pushed from local to remote but never merged with master. Stash will only provide the last committed changes which doesn't include the initial commit. Before I had a chance to fix the issue, my laptop crashed and I lost all of my local changes that I needed to merge.
I see that I can download the initial commit to a zip file. I should be able to take all the changes from the other remote commits and apply them in order to get back to a workable master copy(tedious but necessary). However, I am unsure how I would go about "checking out" the zipped intial commit so that I have a baseline to work on and eventually merge to the master. I am using Intellij 20.20.2 as the IDE.
If there is a better option please let me know.
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65854628/i-am-in-git-bitbucket-hell