I had a computer crash and needed to install a new drive.
I still have the backup for that computer with the GPG Keychain and related public and private keys.
My question is whether it's possible to somehow use the data from .gnuPG directory on the new computer so I don't have to generate all new key-pairs from scratch (making my old encrypted emails no longer readable).
I tried to copy the .gnuPG driectory to the new hard drive, but no keys appeared.
The only thing I can possibly try, if there is absolutely no other way (suggestions please), would be to try to install the backup file on some other computer to export the keys there and then import them on the new computer.
My goal would be to somehow, if possible, use the existing files and somehow copy them so that GPG Keychain sees and uses them.
Suggestions appreciated.
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65853401/how-to-import-gpg-keychain-files