I am a beginner with R. It took me the larger part of a day to not find a solution.
I need a 2D-scatterplot with dates on the x-axis. Here is what I have:
################## CSV file looks like this
csvu<-read.csv("2D-plot-Tabelle.csv", sep = ";", encoding="UTF-8") # from Numbers
# as.Date converts into class Date
csvu$Datum <- as.Date(csvu$Datum, "%d.%m.%Y") # this is the read format. capital Y = year with century
plot(csvu$Datum, csvu$Summe,
main="This is my plot",
type = "b", # both lines and dots
lwd = 2, # line width
# col = "darkgreen", # col = symbol surround color
col = rainbow(25),
pch=16, # pch = symbol interior color, see http://applied-r.com/r-graphics-plot-parameters/#axes
cex = 2) # cex = size of plot symbols
plot() apparently applies a default x-axis numbering which gives month values for 5 months and no day or year.
I need x-axis ticks and "numbering" with date in the format "%d.%m.%Y" both in monthly intervalls and according to the date. I prefer vertical writing of dates. Any suggestion?
######## Found the solution myself. Maybe interesting to others:
# add xaxt="n", as plot-parameter (disable x-axis numbering and ticks), than
axis.Date(1,at=csvu$Datum,labels=format(csvu$Datum,"%d %b %Y"),las=2) # las=2 vertical, 1 horiz.
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65850343/how-to-structure-dates-on-x-axis-in-r