I have in my Excel workbook two tables:
- In first table I have string text full sentence (in colunmn C) in many rows where is described in sentence some place names (some rows don't have those location names) and
- in second table I have place names list (every place name have also geographical X (latitude) and Y (longitud) coordinates.
I want to search inside first table string text location names which have exact match to the placename_table
list and show founded place name in first tabele column D. I tried this formula in column D, it almost working, but it finds first match of placename_tabele
and it is not correct what was mean in first table string.
I use Excel 2013
=IFERROR(INDEX(Placename_table; SMALL(IF(COUNTIF($C2;"*"&Placename_table&"*"); MATCH(ROW(ANIMI); ROW(Placename_table)); ""); COLUMNS($A$1:A1))); "-")
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65841406/excel-index-match-to-find-exact-location-name-from-string-text