I'm trying to run supportsave
to collect logs from a Brocade switch. Our SAN switch went down today.
The command line output:
SASW1:admin> supportsave
**Failed to initialize logging:-1**
This command collects RASLOG, TRACE, supportShow, core file, FFDC data
and other support information from both active and standby CPs
and then transfer them to a FTP/SCP/SFTP server or a USB device.
Local CP, remote CP and BPs' information will be saved,
but supportShow information is available only on the Active CP.
This operation can take several minutes.
NOTE: supportSave will transfer existing trace dump file first, then
automatically generate and transfer latest one. There will be two trace dump
files transferred after this command.
OK to proceed? (yes, y, no, n): [no] y
Host IP or Host Name:
User Name:
Protocol (ftp | scp | sftp):
Remote Directory:
**isc initialization returned -3
SupportSave failed.**
how can I get around this?
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65838208/supportsave-failed-to-initialize-logging-1