I successfully joined 2 tables from marketing cloud with the below query (minus the second inner join enrollment...). However, when I tried to add a third table using said inner join, it returns no results. Can someone please advise how to set this up properly to merge all 3 tables into 1 DE.
SELECT c._ContactKey ContactKey,
c.Sync_Contact_to_Marketing_Cloud__c Sync_Contact_to_Marketing_Cloud__c,
c.AccountId AccountId,
c.Id Id,
c.LastModifiedDate LastModifiedDate,
a.contactid__c contactid__c,
a.CreatedById CreatedById,
a.PersonEmail PersonEmail,
e.Enrollment_Student__c Enrollment_Student__c,
e.Product_Code__c Product_Code__c,
e.Product_Name__c Product_Name__c,
e.Product_Type__c Product_Type__c
FROM Contact_Salesforce c INNER JOIN Account_Salesforce a ON c.AccountId = a.Id
inner join Enrollment__c_Salesforce e On c.AccountId = e.Enrollment_Student__c
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65837484/no-results-joining-3-tables-in-sfmc