I'm learning about Tcl just now. I've seen just a bit of it, I see for instance to create a variable (and initialize it) you can do
set varname value
I am familiarizing with the fact that basically everything is a string, such as "value" above, but "varname" gets kind of a special treatment I guess because of the "set" built-in function, so varname is not interpreted as a string but rather as a name. I can later on access the value with $varname, and this is fine to me, it is used to specify varname is not to be considered as a string. I'm now reading about lists and a couple commands make me a bit confused
set colors {"aqua" "maroon" "cyan"}
puts "list length is [llength $colors]"
lappend colors "purple"
So clearly "lappend" is another one of such functions like set that can interpret the first argument as a name and not a string, but then why didn't they make it llength the same (no need for $)?
I'm thinking that it's just a convention that, in general, when you "read" a variable you need the $ while you don't for "writing".
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65831542/apparent-inconsistency-read-write-variable