I've created a base of components that are reused across a few different page templates. So let's say I have component CTA and a few page templates that have cta element with text and title. I would want to find a way to define a query next to CTA component that can be reused for each template - in case if I would change something in the component then I have to remember to go and update all template's queries. I tried defining objects, but graphql doesn't support string interpolation and I tried defining fragments, but then I would have to define a fragment for each template, which misses the point...
I tried to have fragment data on cta
but then it says there's no type cta.
My cta is an object in the schema.
SanityFirstTemplate {
cta {
SanitySecondTemplate {
cta {
Is there a way of defining "cta" and it's contents so I could use it like that or in any similar way?
SanityFirstTemplate {
SanitySecondTemplate {
question from:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65829910/graphql-defining-fragments-for-components