Yes, singletons are bad. They are bad because all they do for you is combine two properties, each of which is bad about 95% of the time. (Which would mean that on average, singletons are bad 99.75% of the time ;))
A singleton, as defined by the GoF, is a data structure which:
The first is generally considered a bad thing. We don't like globals. The second is a bit more subtle, but generally, there are virtually no cases where this is a reasonable restriction to enforce.
Sometimes, it only makes sense to have one instance of an object. In which case you choose to create only one. You don't need a singleton to enforce it.
And usually, even when it "makes sense" to have only one instance, it turns out not to make sense after all. Sooner or later, you're going to need more than one logger. Or more than one database. Or you're going to have to recreate resources for each of your unit tests, which means we have to be able to create them at will. It is prematurely removing flexibility from our code, before we understand the consequences.
Singletons hide dependencies and increase coupling (every class can potentially depend on a singleton, which means the class can not be reused in other projects unless we also reuse all our singletons), and because these dependencies are not immediately visible (as function/constructor parameters), we don't notice them, and typically don't think about it when we create them. It's so easy to just pull in a singleton, it acts almost as a local variable and all, so we tend to use them a lot once they're there. And that makes them almost impossible to remove again. You end up, perhaps not with spaghetti code, but with spaghetti dependency graphs. And sooner or later, your runaway dependencies will mean that singletons start depending on each others, and then you get circular dependencies when one is attempted initialized.
They make it extremely hard to unit-test. (How do you test a function that calls functions on a singleton object? We don't want the actual singleton code to be exercised, but how do we prevent that?
Yes, singletons are bad.
Sometimes, you really want a global. Then use a global, not a singleton.
Sometimes, very very very rarely, you may have a situation where creating multiple instance of a class is an error, where it can not be done without causing errors. (About the only case I can think of, and even that is contrived, is if you're representing some hardware device. You only have one GPU, so if you're going to map it to an object in your code, it would make sense that only one instance can exist). But if you find yourself in such a situation (and again, for emphasis, a situation where multiple instances cause serious errors, not just a situation where "I can't think of any use cases for more than one instance"), then enforce that constraint, but do it without also making the object globally visible.
Each of these two properties can be useful, in rare cases. But I can't think of a single case where the combination of them would be a good thing.
Unfortunately, a lot of people have got the idea that "Singletons are OOP-compliant globals." No, they're not. They still suffer the same problems as globals, in addition to introducing some other, completely unrelated ones. There is absolutely no reason to prefer a singleton over a plain old global.