Give this Dr Dobbs article, and the Builder Pattern in particular, how do we handle the case of subclassing a Builder? Taking a cut-down version of the example where we want to subclass to add GMO labelling, a naive implementation would be:
public class NutritionFacts {
private final int calories;
public static class Builder {
private int calories = 0;
public Builder() {}
public Builder calories(int val) { calories = val; return this; }
public NutritionFacts build() { return new NutritionFacts(this); }
protected NutritionFacts(Builder builder) {
calories = builder.calories;
public class GMOFacts extends NutritionFacts {
private final boolean hasGMO;
public static class Builder extends NutritionFacts.Builder {
private boolean hasGMO = false;
public Builder() {}
public Builder GMO(boolean val) { hasGMO = val; return this; }
public GMOFacts build() { return new GMOFacts(this); }
protected GMOFacts(Builder builder) {
hasGMO = builder.hasGMO;
Now, we can write code like this:
GMOFacts.Builder b = new GMOFacts.Builder();
But, if we get the order wrong, it all fails:
GMOFacts.Builder b = new GMOFacts.Builder();
The problem is of course that NutritionFacts.Builder
returns a NutritionFacts.Builder
, not a GMOFacts.Builder
, so how do we solve this problem, or is there a better Pattern to use?
Note: this answer to a similar question offers up the classes I have above; my question is regarding the problem of ensuring the builder calls are in the correct order.