I am preparing SPA website containing hundreds of article-like pages (apart from eCommerce, login etc.). Every article has its own URL. I want to realize it using Angular2. The only solution I found so far is:
1. to prepare hundreds of Agular2 components, one component for every article...
...with templateUrl pointing to article markup. So I will need hundreds of components similar to:
selector: 'article-1',
templateUrl: 'article1.html'
export class Article1 {}
2. to display an article using AsyncRoute
see Lazy Loading of Route Components in Angular2
selector: 'article-wrapper',
template: '<router-outlet></router-outlet>'
new router.AsyncRoute({
path: '/article/:id',
loader: () => {
switch (id) {
case 1: return Article1;
case 2: return Article2;
//... repeat it hundreds of times
name: 'article'
class ArticleWrapper { }
In Angular1 there was ngInclude directive, which is missing in Angular2 due to the security issues (see here).
[Edit 1] There is not only problem with the code itself. Problem is also with static nature of this solution. If I need website with sitemap and dynamic page structure - adding a single page needs recompilation of the whole ES6 JavaScript module.
[Edit 2] The concept "markup x html as data" (where markup is not only static HTML but also HTML with active components) is basic concept of whole web (every CMS has its markup data in database). If there does not exist Angular2 solution for it, it denies this basic concept. I believe that there must exist some trick.