There are different schools of thought, and it largely comes down to personal preference.
One is that it is less confusing if there is only a single exit point - you have a single path through the method and you know where to look for the exit. On the minus side if you use indentation to represent nesting, your code ends up massively indented to the right, and it becomes very difficult to follow all the nested scopes.
Another is that you can check preconditions and exit early at the start of a method, so that you know in the body of the method that certain conditions are true, without the entire body of the method being indented 5 miles off to the right. This usually minimises the number of scopes you have to worry about, which makes code much easier to follow.
A third is that you can exit anywhere you please. This used to be more confusing in the old days, but now that we have syntax-colouring editors and compilers that detect unreachable code, it's a lot easier to deal with.
I'm squarely in the middle camp. Enforcing a single exit point is a pointless or even counterproductive restriction IMHO, while exiting at random all over a method can sometimes lead to messy difficult to follow logic, where it becomes difficult to see if a given bit of code will or won't be executed. But "gating" your method makes it possible to significantly simplify the body of the method.