Started Python a week ago and I have some questions to ask about reading and writing to the same files. I've gone through some tutorials online but I am still confused about it. I can understand simple read and write files.
openFile = open("filepath", "r")
readFile =
print readFile
openFile = open("filepath", "a")
appendFile = openFile.write("
Test 123")
But, if I try the following I get a bunch of unknown text in the text file I am writing to. Can anyone explain why I am getting such errors and why I cannot use the same openFile object the way shown below.
# I get an error when I use the codes below:
openFile = open("filepath", "r+")
writeFile = openFile.write("Test abc")
readFile =
print readFile
I will try to clarify my problems. In the example above, openFile is the object used to open file. I have no problems if I want write to it the first time. If I want to use the same openFile to read files or append something to it. It doesn't happen or an error is given. I have to declare the same/different open file object before I can perform another read/write action to the same file.
#I have no problems if I do this:
openFile = open("filepath", "r+")
writeFile = openFile.write("Test abc")
openFile2 = open("filepath", "r+")
readFile =
print readFile
I will be grateful if anyone can tell me what I did wrong here or is it just a Pythong thing. I am using Python 2.7. Thanks!