I'm testing tailwind and ember for a musical website. I experience several bugs:
- in dev server, all links start with a capital letter; on some links the capital letter disappears (live demo, artists). what a strange bug: I thought of correcting it by specifying "uppercase" on all links,
- in production, the navbar doesn't show correctly; it should be like the first template of the webpage (the free template, https://tailwindui.com/components/marketing/sections/heroes),
- the speed in production is not good. with vue and Django, I get a lighthouse mobile speed score between 100 and 97. with EmberJS, I get a mobile speed of 70, and a desktop speed of 90 (https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fthemusicstop.netlify.app%2F&tab=desktop)
Any help deeply appreciated. I want to use EmberJS instead of Django or Vue but I'm a bit concerned with all the bugs I face.
Edit: the only question I want to ask is the following: Why is Emberjs slower than VueJS and Django in production? Here is my source code: https://github.com/nsursock/musicstop
- Mobile lighthouse score: 65
- Desktop lighthouse score: 85
It seems vendor.js' size could be cut in half!