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I build the graph below with the following logic:

  • Mouseover a node - it's non-connected nodes & their links are transparent.
  • Mouseover a link - all nodes & links are transparent, except the touched link (which become bold) and it's two nodes.

That works great, until I try to add more nodes to the graph. Press on the Add Node button, adds another node and it's link to the party. The problem is, that the node logic is broken (the link logic still work). Any idea why?

Thanks! JSFiddle

function removeNodePopup() {

function showNodePopup(node) {
    if (!node['data']) {

    var data = node['data'];
    var htmlStr = '';
    htmlStr += '<div id="nodePopup" >';
    htmlStr += '    <div><button id="nodePopupCloseButton" type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove" style="font-size: 13px;"> </span> </div>';
    htmlStr += '    <div class="nodePopupName">' + data['name'] + '</div>';
    if (data['desc']) {
        if (data['desc'].startsWith("http")) {
            htmlStr += '    <a class="nodePopupLink" href="' + data['desc'] + '" target="_blank">Go to post..</a>';
        else {
            htmlStr += '    <div class="nodePopupDesc">' + data['desc'] + '</div>';
    htmlStr += '    <div class="nodePopupGroup">GROUP: ' + data['groupId'] + '</div>';
    htmlStr += '    <div class="nodePopupLeader">LEADER: ' + data['leaderId'] + '</div>';
    htmlStr += '    <div class="nodePopupImage"><img src="' + node['image'] + '" style="width: 130px;" /></div>';
    htmlStr += '</div>';


const LINK_DEFAULT_COLOR = "#ccc";
const NODE_DEFAULT_COLOR = "gray";

function Graph(elementId) {
    var svg;
    var simulation;
    var mNodesData = [];
    var mEdgesData = [];
    var mNode = null;
    var mLink = null;
    var elementId;
    var heightDelta = 100;
    var width = window.innerWidth;
    var height = window.innerHeight - heightDelta;

    return {
        init: function () {
            svg = d3.select('#' + elementId)
                .attr("width", width)
                .attr("height", height);

            simulation = d3.forceSimulation()
                .force(".edge", d3.forceLink())
                .force("charge", d3.forceManyBody().strength(-600))
                .force("center", d3.forceCenter(width / 2, height / 2));

            mLink = svg.selectAll(".edge")
                .attr("class", "edge")
                .style("stroke", LINK_DEFAULT_COLOR)
                .style("stroke-width", function (e) {
                    return 1
                    /* e.width*/

            mNode = svg.selectAll(".node")
                .attr("class", "node");
        clearGraph: function () {
            $('#' + this.elementId).empty();
        getNodes: function () {
            return mNodesData;
        getEdges: function () {
            return mEdgesData;
        addNodes: function (nodes) {
            mNodesData = mNodesData.concat(nodes);
        addEdges: function (edges) {
            mEdgesData = mEdgesData.concat(edges);
        onMouseOut: function () {
            // removePopup();
            mNode.select("image").style("opacity", DEFAULT_OPACITY);
            mNode.select("circle").style("stroke", NODE_DEFAULT_COLOR);
            mLink.style("opacity", DEFAULT_OPACITY).style("stroke", LINK_DEFAULT_COLOR);
        draw: function () {
            mNode = svg.selectAll(".node")
                .attr("class", "node").

            mLink = svg.selectAll(".edge")
                .attr("class", "edge")
                .style("stroke", LINK_DEFAULT_COLOR)
                .style("stroke-width", function (e) {
                    return 2
                    /* e.width*/

                .on("start", dragstarted)
                .on("drag", dragged)
                .on("end", dragended));

            mNode.on('mouseover', function (thisNode) {
                var thisNodeID = thisNode.id;
                var connectedNodes = mEdgesData.filter(function(d) {
                    return d.source.id === thisNodeID || d.target.id === thisNodeID
                }).map(function(d) {
                    return d.source.id === thisNodeID ? d.target.id : d.source.id

                mNode.each(function (otherNode, id) {
                    var image = d3.select(this).select("image");
                    var circle = d3.select(this).select("circle");
                    if (connectedNodes.indexOf(otherNode.id) > -1 || thisNodeID == otherNode.id) {
                        image.style("opacity", DEFAULT_OPACITY);
                        circle.style("stroke", NODE_DEFAULT_COLOR);
                    else {
                        image.style("opacity", BACKGROUND_OPACITY);
                        circle.style("stroke", "#f6f6f6");

                // var filteredNodes = mNode.filter(function(otherNode) {
                //     return connectedNodes.indexOf(otherNode.id) == -1
                // });
                // filteredNodes.select("image").style("opacity", BACKGROUND_OPACITY);
                // filteredNodes.select("circle").style("stroke", "#f6f6f6");
                // var unfilterdNode = mNode.filter(function (otherNode) {
                //     return connectedNodes.indexOf(otherNode.id) > -1 || thisNodeID == otherNode.id;
                // });
                // unfilterdNode.select("image").style("opacity", DEFAULT_OPACITY);
                // unfilterdNode.select("circle").style("stroke", NODE_DEFAULT_COLOR);

                mLink.filter(function (otherLink) {
                    return (thisNode !== otherLink.source && thisNode !== otherLink.target);
                }).style("opacity", BACKGROUND_OPACITY);

                mLink.filter(function (otherLink) {
                    return (thisNode == otherLink.source || thisNode == otherLink.target);
                }).style("opacity", DEFAULT_OPACITY);
                .on('mouseout', this.onMouseOut);

            mLink.on('mouseover', function (currentLink) {
                mLink.filter(function (otherLink) {
                    return (currentLink == otherLink);
                }).style("stroke", "black");
                mLink.filter(function (otherLink) {
                    return (currentLink !== otherLink);
                }).style("opacity", BACKGROUND_OPACITY);

                mNode.filter(function (otherNode) {
                    return (currentLink.source != otherNode || currentLink.target != otherNode);
                }).select("image").style("opacity", BACKGROUND_OPACITY);
                mNode.filter(function (otherNode) {
                    return (currentLink.source != otherNode || currentLink.target != otherNode);
                }).select("circle").style("stroke", "#f6f6f6");

                mNode.filter(function (d1) {
                    return (d1 == currentLink.source || d1 == currentLink.target);
                }).select("image").style("opacity", DEFAULT_OPACITY);
                mNode.filter(function (d1) {
                    return (d1 == currentLink.source || d1 == currentLink.target);
                }).select("circle").style("stroke", NODE_DEFAULT_COLOR);

            }).on('mouseout', this.onMouseOut);

            var nodeCircle = mNode.append("circle")
                .attr("r", function (d) {
                    return 0.5 * Math.max(d.width, d.height)
                .attr("stroke", NODE_DEFAULT_COLOR)
                .attr("stroke-width", "2px")
                .attr("fill", "white");

            var nodeImage = mNode.append("image")
                .attr("xlink:href", function (d) {
                    return d.image
                .attr("height", function (d) {
                    return d.height + ""
                .attr("width", function (d) {
                    return d.width + ""
                .attr("x", function (d) {
                    return -0.5 * d.width
                .attr("y", function (d) {
                    return -0.5 * d.height
                .attr("clip-path", function (d) {
                    return "circle(" + (0.48 * Math.max(d.width, d.height)) + "px)"


            simulation.on("tick", function () {
                mLink.attr("x1", function (d) {
                    return d.source.x;
                    .attr("y1", function (d) {
                        return d.source.y;
                    .attr("x2", function (d) {
                        return d.target.x;
                    .attr("y2", function (d) {
                        return d.target.y;

                mNode.attr("transform", function (d) {
                    return "translate(" + d.x + "," + d.y + ")"
                mNode.attr("cx", function (d) {
                    return d.x = Math.max(d.width, Math.min(width - d.width, d.x));
                    .attr("cy", function (d) {
                        return d.y = Math.max(d.height, Math.min(height - heightDelta - d.height, d.y));

            function dragstarted(d) {
                if (!d3.event.active) simulation.alphaTarget(0.3).restart();
                d.fx = d.x;
                d.fy = d.y;

            function dragged(d) {
                d.fx = d3.event.x;
                d.fy = d3.event.y;

            function dragended(d) {
                if (!d3.event.active) simulation.alphaTarget(0);
                d.fx = null;
                d.fy = null;

initialData = {
    "nodes": [{
        "id": 0,
        "image": "images/0.jpg",
        "height": 40,
        "width": 40,
        "data": {
            "name": "Number0",
            "groupId": "Bla1",
            "desc": "Desc1",
            "leaderId": "123-123"
    }, {
        "id": 1,
        "image": "images/1.jpeg",
        "height": 100,
        "width": 100,
        "data": {
            "name": "Number1",
            "groupId": "Bla2",
            "desc": "Desc1",
            "leaderId": "123-123"
    }, {
        "id": 2,
        "image": "images/2.png",
        "height": 50,
        "width": 50,
        "data": {
            "name": "Number2",
            "groupId": "Bla3",
            "desc": "Desc1",

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1 Answer


You called draw method multiple times, so you have to treat it carefully.

Only newly added nodes are supposed to be added image and circle tags, so you should change

mNode = svg.selectAll(".node")
            .attr("class", "node").


var newNodes = svg.selectAll(".node")
            .attr("class", "node");


and change

var nodeCircle = mNode.append("circle")


var nodeCircle = newNodes.append("circle")

And image related code are supposed to be changed in same manner.

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