Although I've come across Kafka before, I just recently realized Kafka may perhaps be used as (the basis of) a CQRS, eventstore.
One of the main points that Kafka supports:
- Event capturing / storing, all HA of course.
- Pub / sub architecture
- Ability to replay the eventlog which allows the ability for new subscribers to register with the system after the fact.
Admittedly I'm not 100% versed into CQRS / Event sourcing but this seems pretty close to what an eventstore should be. Funny thing is: I really can't find that much about Kafka being used as an eventstore, so perhaps I am missing something.
So, anything missing from Kafka for it to be a good eventstore? Would it work? Using it production? Interested in insight, links, etc.
Basically the state of the system is saved based on the transactions/events the system has ever received, instead of just saving the current state / snapshot of the system which is what is usually done. (Think of it as a General Ledger in Accounting: all transactions ultimately add up to the final state) This allows all kinds of cool things, but just read up on the links provided.