I want to get the ASCII value of characters in a string in C#.
If my string has the value "9quali52ty3", I want an array with the ASCII values of each of the 11 characters.
How can I get ASCII values in C#?
Question&Answers:osI want to get the ASCII value of characters in a string in C#.
If my string has the value "9quali52ty3", I want an array with the ASCII values of each of the 11 characters.
How can I get ASCII values in C#?
Question&Answers:osFrom MSDN
string value = "9quali52ty3";
// Convert the string into a byte[].
byte[] asciiBytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(value);
You now have an array of the ASCII value of the bytes. I got the following:
57 113 117 97 108 105 53 50 116 121 51