Problem summary
I'm creating a print stylesheet for a simple html document with id-referenced headers and anchors to reference these headers, like
<h1 id="the-document">The Document</h1>
<h2 id="background">Background</h2>
<h2 id="implementation">Implementation</h2>
<p>For details, see <a href="#background">Background</a>.</p>
The print styles need section numbers that are created with css counters like
h1 {
counter-reset: section
h2:before {
content: counter(section) ". ";
counter-increment: section
I try to add the "1. " that is prepended to the "Background" section also to the anchor that references the section, i.e. the result should look like
The Document
1. Background
2. Implementation
For details, see 1. Background
Is there a way to add the counter of the section that is referenced to the anchor that references the section? Without JavaScript?
What I've tried
Adding the current counter to all references results in the wrong counter value, like
a[href^=#]:before { content: counter(section) ". "; }
would result in
For details, see 2. Background
I know this could be done with JavaScript:
let section = 0;
const h2s = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('h1, h2')).reduce((h2s, h, i) => {
switch (h.nodeName) {
case 'H1': section = 0; break;
case 'H2': h2s[] = ++section; break;
return h2s;
}, {})
Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('a[href^="#"]')).forEach(_ => _.textContent = `${h2s[_.href.split('#')[1]]}. ${_.textContent}`)
h1 {
counter-reset: section;
h2:before {
content: counter(section) ". ";
counter-increment: section;
<h1 id="the-document">The Document</h1>
<h2 id="background">Background</h2>
<h2 id="implementation">Implementation</h2>
<p>For details, see <a href="#background">Background</a></p>