I have an existing website with lots of old pages and forms laid out with tables which I am trying to gradually transition to CSS. I want to use the Twitter Bootstrap stylesheets - particularly the styles for forms - but only on sections of pages where I have explicitly requested them. For example, I might surround the whole form in a div like so:
<div class="bootstrap">
<!-- everything in here should have the Bootstrap CSS applied -->
<p><label for="text_input">Label</label><input type="text" id="text_input" /></p>
I want all other forms to remain the same as they are now, because I won't be able to change them all at the same time. Is there a simple way to do this? I could go through every single style in the Bootstrap CSS and add a parent selector (e.g. 'p' would become 'div.bootstrap p'), but that would take a long time and it would be easy to miss styles.
Edit: If such a thing isn't possible, is there a free tool which can extract all the styles from a file, add a prefix and then save them back again?