In Fortran 90 (using gfortran on Mac OS X) if I assign a value to a double-precision variable without explicitly tacking on a kind, the precision doesn't "take." What I mean is, if I run the following program:
program sample_dp
implicit none
integer, parameter :: sp = kind(1.0)
integer, parameter :: dp = kind(1.0d0)
real(sp) :: a = 0.
real(dp) :: b = 0., c = 0., d = 0.0_dp, e = 0_dp
! assign values
a = 0.12345678901234567890
b = 0.12345678901234567890
c = DBLE(0.12345678901234567890)
d = 0.12345678901234567890_dp
write(*,101) a, b, c, d
101 format(1x, 'Single precision: ', T27, F17.15, / &
1x, 'Double precisison: ', T27, F17.15, / &
1x, 'Double precision (DBLE): ', T27, F17.15, / &
1x, 'Double precision (_dp): ', T27, F17.15)
end program
I get the result:
Single precision: 0.123456791043282
Double precision: 0.123456791043282
Double precision (DBLE): 0.123456791043282
Double precision (_dp): 0.123456789012346
The single precision result starts rounding off at the 8th decimal as expected, but only the double precision variable I assigned explicitly with _dp keeps all 16 digits of precision. This seems odd, as I would expect (I'm relatively new to Fortran) that a double precision variable would automatically be double-precision. Is there a better way to assign double precision variables, or do I have to explicitly type them as above?