I created this tkinter window and created these drop down boxes.
while number != (max+1):
Subject1_Label = Label(master, text=("Subject", number))
Subject1_Label.grid(row=number, column=0, pady=6)
Subject1 = All_Subjects.get(number)
variable = StringVar(master)
w = OptionMenu(master, variable, *Subject1)
w.grid(row=number, column=1, pady=6)
subject_amount = subject_amount + 1
number = number + 1
Usually to determine the input from the dropdown boxes I could simply use (variable.get) but in this case variable is being used 5 times to create 5 different boxes. Is there a way I can gather the input from these dropdown boxes using their position on the tkinter window. Such as (variable.get, row=1, column=1)? Or any other way?