We have two different ldap providers in two different physical office locations.
When I connect my laptop to one location and I 'retrieve from port' (in Websphere 6.1) to import the ssl cert of the ldap provider, I can authenticate to the respective ldap with no problems. If I take my laptop to the other office (that uses the other ldap provider by default) and I plugin my laptop, my WAS on my laptop will not start because it says 'no trusted ssl cert found'.
If I 'retrieve from port' again and re import the cert then it works again.
Note that my WAS always try to connect to one ldap, it simply has no use for the other one.
If I go back to the other office I get the same error until I reimport from that location. The ldap connection point is ldap.something.com:636 and is pingable in both locations with the same FQDN.
But when pinged it resolves to a different ip address in each office location. Why do I see that behavior?
Are SSL Certs somehow bound to a specific IP address?
If yes, then I need to maintain a different set of certs for each office location, right?
Note that, there is no way to adjust the dns servers to resolve the hostname to the same IP address, I checked.
Can someone provide some insight?