I am trying to store a tweet in my MYSQL table. The tweet is:
quiero que me escuches, no te burles no te rias, anoche tuve un sue?o que te fuiste de mi vida 🎶🎶
The final two characters are both 'MULTIPLE MUSICAL NOTES' (U+1F3B6), for which the UTF-8 encoding is 0xf09f8eb6
The tweet_text
field in my table is encoded in utf8mb4
. But when I try to store the tweet in that column I get the following error message:
Incorrect string value: 'xF0x9Fx8ExB6xF0x9F...' for column 'tweet_text' at row 1.
What is going wrong? How can I fix this? I need to store multiple languages as well and this character set works for all languages but not for the special characters like emoticons and emojis.
This is my create table statement:
CREATE TABLE `twitter_status_data` (
`unique_status_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`metadata_result_type` text CHARACTER SET utf8,
`created_at` text CHARACTER SET utf8 NOT NULL COMMENT 'UTC time when this Tweet was created.',
`id` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT 'Unique tweet identifier',
`id_str` text CHARACTER SET utf8 NOT NULL,
`tweet_text` text COMMENT 'Actual UTF-8 text',
`user_id_str` text CHARACTER SET utf8,
`user_name` text COMMENT 'User''s name',
`user_screen_name` text COMMENT 'Twitter handle',
`coordinates` text CHARACTER SET utf8,
PRIMARY KEY (`unique_status_id`),
KEY `user_id_index` (`user_id`),
FULLTEXT KEY `tweet_text_index` (`tweet_text`)