i'm starting up learning prolog (i use SWI-prolog) and i did a simple exercise in which i have 2 lists and i want to calculate their intersection and union. Here is my code that works pretty well but i was asking myself if there is a better way to do it as i don't like to use the CUT operator.
intersectionTR(_, [], []).
intersectionTR([], _, []).
intersectionTR([H1|T1], L2, [H1|L]):-
member(H1, L2),
intersectionTR(T1, L2, L), !.
intersectionTR([_|T1], L2, L):-
intersectionTR(T1, L2, L).
intersection(L1, L2):-
intersectionTR(L1, L2, L),
unionTR([], [], []).
unionTR([], [H2|T2], [H2|L]):-
intersectionTR(T2, L, Res),
Res = [],
unionTR([], T2, L),
unionTR([], [_|T2], L):-
unionTR([], T2, L),
unionTR([H1|T1], L2, L):-
intersectionTR([H1], L, Res),
Res = [],
unionTR(T1, L2, L).
unionTR([H1|T1], L2, [H1|L]):-
unionTR(T1, L2, L).
union(L1, L2):-
unionTR(L1, L2, L),
Keep in mind that i want to have just 1 result, not multiple results (even if correct) so running the code with this:
?- intersect([1,3,5,2,4] ,[6,1,2]).
should exit with:
and not with
true ;
true ;
The same must be valid for union predicate.
As i said my code works pretty well but please suggest better ways to do it.