I am using RStudio 2.15.0 and have created an object from Excel using XLConnect with 3000+ rows and 12 columns I am trying to delimit/split a column into the rows but don't know if this is possible or how to do it. Example of the data below using the 3 columns in connection. any help on this would be grand.
Code that is working for 2 of the columns is below.
v1 <- with(df, tapply(PolId, Description, FUN= function(x) {
x1 <- paste(x, collapse=";")
gsub('(\b\S+\b)(?=.*\b\1\b.*);', '', x1, perl=TRUE)}))
Description <- rep(names(v1), str_count(v1, '\w+'))
PolId <- scan(text=gsub(';+', ' ', v1), what='', quiet=TRUE)
data.frame(PolId, Description)
Sample data
PolId Description Document.Type
ABC123;ABC456;ABC789; TEST1 Pol1
ABC123;ABC456;ABC789; TEST1 Pol1
ABC123;ABC456;ABC789; TEST1 Pol1
AAA123; TEST1 End1
AAA123; TEST2 End2
ABB123;ABC123; TEST3 End1
ABB123;ABC123; TEST3 End1
I want the output to be like this (replacing the duplicate Polid's)
PolId Description Document.Type
ABC123 TEST1 Pol1
ABC456 TEST1 Pol1
ABC789 TEST1 Pol1
AAA123 TEST1 End1
AAA123 TEST2 End2
ABB123 TEST3 End1
ABC123 TEST3 End1
See Question&Answers more detail:os