I'm working with bar graphs is GDS and I would like to order the bars within a graph. Normally, I'd create a sorter helper field with this formula:
WHEN CONTAINS_TEXT(Beautiful-Ugly, "Very beautiful") THEN 1
WHEN CONTAINS_TEXT( Beautiful-Ugly, "Somewhat beautiful") THEN 2
WHEN CONTAINS_TEXT( Beautiful-Ugly, "Neither beautiful nor ugly") THEN 3
WHEN CONTAINS_TEXT( Beautiful-Ugly, "Somewhat ugly") THEN 4
WHEN CONTAINS_TEXT( Beautiful-Ugly, "Very ugly") THEN 5
But I keep getting a system error 5a8152ae. I think it could be because the Beautiful-Ugly field is itself a calculated field that looks like this:
WHEN 6_Q5="Very ${lm://Field/1}" THEN "Very beautiful"
WHEN 6_Q5="Somewhat ${lm://Field/1}" THEN "Somewhat beautiful"
WHEN 6_Q5="Neither ${lm://Field/1} nor ${lm://Field/2}" THEN "Neither beautiful nor ugly"
WHEN 6_Q5="Somewhat ${lm://Field/2}" THEN "Somewhat ugly"
WHEN 6_Q5="Very ${lm://Field/2}" THEN "Very ugly"
Can someone recommend me how to order bars in my chart? Thanks in advance!