I've got a lousy HTTPD access_log and just want to skip the "lousy" lines.
In scala this is straightforward:
import scala.util.Try
val log = sc.textFile("access_log")
log.map(_.split(' ')).map(a => Try(a(8))).filter(_.isSuccess).map(_.get).map(code => (code,1)).reduceByKey(_ + _).collect()
For python I've got the following solution by explicitly defining a function in contrast using the "lambda" notation:
log = sc.textFile("access_log")
def wrapException(a):
return a[8]
return 'error'
log.map(lambda s : s.split(' ')).map(wrapException).filter(lambda s : s!='error').map(lambda code : (code,1)).reduceByKey(lambda acu,value : acu + value).collect()
Is there a better way doing this (e.g. like in Scala) in pyspark?
Thanks a lot!
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