Is there any Linux "echo -e" equivalent in windows so I can use "echo -e xnnn" to print out the character whose ASCII code is the hexadecimal value nnn ?
See Question&Answers more detail:osIs there any Linux "echo -e" equivalent in windows so I can use "echo -e xnnn" to print out the character whose ASCII code is the hexadecimal value nnn ?
See Question&Answers more detail:osThere is no equivalent, but you can write your own function.
I would split the problem into two parts.
Converting from hex to decimal is simple by
set "myHex=4A"
set /a decimal=0x%myHex%
Converting a number to an ASCII is more tricky, it depends of the required ASCII-range
If you only need the range from 32 (space) to 126'~', you could use the =ExitCodeAscii
set "decimal=%1"
cmd /c exit /b %decimal%
echo "%=ExitCodeAscii%"
If you need also some special characters like CR
, LF
, it is possible to create them with pure batch.
If you need more than you could use vbscript.
A more general way is to use the command forfiles
(Dostips: Generate nearly any character...)
@echo off
set "arg1=%~1"
set "arg1=%arg1:x=0x%"
forfiles /p "%~dp0." /m "%~nx0" /c "cmd /c echo(%arg1%"
You can call it via echo-e.bat "Hellox01x02x03"
and you get Hello???