I created this class for being immutable and having a fluent API:
public final class Message {
public final String email;
public final String escalationEmail;
public final String assignee;
public final String conversationId;
public final String subject;
public final String userId;
public Message(String email, String escalationEmail, String assignee, String conversationId, String subject, String userId) {
this.email = email;
this.escalationEmail = escalationEmail;
this.assignee = assignee;
this.conversationId = conversationId;
this.subject = subject;
this.userId = userId;
public Message() {
email = "";
escalationEmail = "";
assignee = "";
conversationId = "";
subject = "";
userId = "";
public Message email(String e) { return new Message(e, escalationEmail, assignee, conversationId, subject, userId); }
public Message escalationEmail(String e) { return new Message(email, e, assignee, conversationId, subject, userId); }
public Message assignee(String a) { return new Message(email, escalationEmail, a, conversationId, subject, userId); }
public Message conversationId(String c) { return new Message(email, escalationEmail, assignee, c, subject, userId); }
public Message subject(String s) { return new Message(email, escalationEmail, assignee, conversationId, s, userId); }
public Message userId(String u) { return new Message(email, escalationEmail, assignee, conversationId, subject, u); }
My question is, will the optimizer be able to avoid lots of object creations when a new object is created like this:
Message m = new Message()
Is there anything to be gained from making a separate mutable builder object instead?
Update 2: After reading apangin's answer my benchmark is invalidated. I'll keep it here for reference of how not to benchmark :)
Update: I took the liberty of measuring this myself with this code:
public final class Message {
public final String email;
public final String escalationEmail;
public final String assignee;
public final String conversationId;
public final String subject;
public final String userId;
public static final class MessageBuilder {
private String email;
private String escalationEmail;
private String assignee;
private String conversationId;
private String subject;
private String userId;
MessageBuilder email(String e) { email = e; return this; }
MessageBuilder escalationEmail(String e) { escalationEmail = e; return this; }
MessageBuilder assignee(String e) { assignee = e; return this; }
MessageBuilder conversationId(String e) { conversationId = e; return this; }
MessageBuilder subject(String e) { subject = e; return this; }
MessageBuilder userId(String e) { userId = e; return this; }
public Message create() {
return new Message(email, escalationEmail, assignee, conversationId, subject, userId);
public static MessageBuilder createNew() {
return new MessageBuilder();
public Message(String email, String escalationEmail, String assignee, String conversationId, String subject, String userId) {
this.email = email;
this.escalationEmail = escalationEmail;
this.assignee = assignee;
this.conversationId = conversationId;
this.subject = subject;
this.userId = userId;
public Message() {
email = "";
escalationEmail = "";
assignee = "";
conversationId = "";
subject = "";
userId = "";
public Message email(String e) { return new Message(e, escalationEmail, assignee, conversationId, subject, userId); }
public Message escalationEmail(String e) { return new Message(email, e, assignee, conversationId, subject, userId); }
public Message assignee(String a) { return new Message(email, escalationEmail, a, conversationId, subject, userId); }
public Message conversationId(String c) { return new Message(email, escalationEmail, assignee, c, subject, userId); }
public Message subject(String s) { return new Message(email, escalationEmail, assignee, conversationId, s, userId); }
public Message userId(String u) { return new Message(email, escalationEmail, assignee, conversationId, subject, u); }
static String getString() {
return new String("hello");
// return "hello";
public static void main(String[] args) {
int n = 1000000000;
long before1 = System.nanoTime();
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
Message m = new Message()
long after1 = System.nanoTime();
long before2 = System.nanoTime();
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
Message m = Message.createNew()
long after2 = System.nanoTime();
System.out.println("no builder : " + (after1 - before1)/1000000000.0);
System.out.println("with builder: " + (after2 - before2)/1000000000.0);
I found the difference to be significant (builder is faster) if the string arguments are not new objects, but all the same (see commented code in getString)
In what I imagine is a more realistic scenario, when all the strings are new objects, the difference is negligible, and the JVM startup would cause the first one to be a tiny bit slower (I tried both ways).
With the "new String" the code was in total many times slower as well (I had to decrease the n
), perhaps indicating that there is some optimization of the "new Message" going on, but not of the "new String".