I have some rather large pandas DataFrames and I'd like to use the new bulk SQL mappings to upload them to a Microsoft SQL Server via SQL Alchemy. The pandas.to_sql method, while nice, is slow.
I'm having trouble writing the code...
I'd like to be able to pass this function a pandas DataFrame which I'm calling table
, a schema name I'm calling schema
, and a table name I'm calling name
. Ideally, the function will 1.) delete the table if it already exists. 2.) create a new table 3.) create a mapper and 4.) bulk insert using the mapper and pandas data. I'm stuck on part 3.
Here's my (admittedly rough) code. I'm struggling with how to get the mapper function to work with my primary keys. I don't really need primary keys but the mapper function requires it.
Thanks for the insights.
from sqlalchemy import create_engine Table, Column, MetaData
from sqlalchemy.orm import mapper, create_session
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from pandas.io.sql import SQLTable, SQLDatabase
def bulk_upload(table, schema, name):
e = create_engine('mssql+pyodbc://MYDB')
s = create_session(bind=e)
m = MetaData(bind=e,reflect=True,schema=schema)
Base = declarative_base(bind=e,metadata=m)
t = Table(name,m)
sqld = SQLDatabase(e, schema=schema,meta=m)
sqlt = SQLTable(name, sqld, table).table
sqlt.metadata = m
class MyClass(Base):
mapper(MyClass, sqlt)
s.bulk_insert_mappings(MyClass, table.to_dict(orient='records'))
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