I made a telegram Bot. In fact, the bot is a game, play guess certain words.But the problem is when I add robots to two different groups (as an administrator) or Two user-Telegram, separately ?use of the bot and start bot,Puts the impact of what they played together.Game one person is caused a disturbance in next person game. for example: if john start my bot in Mobile and desired_word for john is Newyork and length=7 ,when sara start my bot in Mobile. Len_desiredwords for john for example Become to 5 .
library = NetTelegramBotApi 4.0.0 vs = 2013 v4;
Do not know what to do.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using NetTelegramBotApi;
using NetTelegramBotApi.Requests;
using NetTelegramBotApi.Types;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace WordsBot
class Program
private static string Token =".........";
private static ReplyKeyboardMarkup Menu1;
static void Main(string[] args)
Task.Run(() => RunBot());
public static async Task RunBot()
var bot = new TelegramBot(Token);
// var updates = await bot.MakeRequestAsync(new GetUpdates() { Offset = offset });
var me = await bot.MakeRequestAsync(new GetMe());
Console.WriteLine("User Name is {0}", me.Username);
long offset = 0;
int whilecount = 0;
while (true)
Console.WriteLine("while is {0}", whilecount);
whilecount += 1;
var updates = await bot.MakeRequestAsync(new GetUpdates() { Offset = offset });
Console.WriteLine("Update Count is {0} ", updates.Count());
string desired_word = "";
int Len_desiredwords = 0 ;
char [] blank1='';
string b1="";
string [] blank2="";
foreach (var update in updates)
var text = update.Message.Text;
offset = update.Id + 1;
if (Text == "/start")
ds_GetDersiredWords = DAL.Get_DersiredWords();
dt_GetDersiredWords = ds_GetDersiredWords.Tables[0];
desired_word=dt_GetDersiredWords.Rows[0][1].tostring();// get word random of db
Len_desiredwords = desired_word.Length; // count charachter of word
blank1 = desired_word.tochararray();// string to chararray
for (int ii=0;ii<Len_desiredwords;ii+)// insert charachter '_' in blank1
blank1 [ii] = '_';
for (int jj=0;jj<Len_desiredwords;jj++ )
blank2 = blank2 + blank1 [jj];
var q = new SendMessage(update.Message.Chat.Id, "please Enter one charachter
desired_word ="+blank2 ); // send to user id in telegram message.
await bot.MakeRequestAsync(q);
else if (Text.length==1) // if Text = one Character
for (int xx=0;xx<Len_desiredwords;xx++)
if (blank1 [xx] =system.convert.char(text))// check if charachter entered is in blank1 chararray? or no?
correct= true;
index1 = xx;
blank1[index1] = System.Convert.ToChar(text);
for(int yy= 0 ;yy<Len_desiredwords;yy++)
blank2 = blank2 + blank1 [yy];
if (correct==true)
var q = new SendMessage(u.Message.Chat.Id,(update.Message.Chat.Id, "correct
please Enter Next charachter
desired_word ="+blank2 ");
await bot.MakeRequestAsync(q);
else if(correct!=true)
var q = new SendMessage(u.Message.Chat.Id,(update.Message.Chat.Id, "incorrect
please Enter Next charachter
desired_word ="+blank2 ");
await bot.MakeRequestAsync(q);
catch (Exception ex)
example :
john run and start my bot , my bot send for john in telegram:
- Welcome to Guess the word Game.
- please Enter one charachter
- desired_word : _ _ _ _ _
- You have 10 chances.
John send by telegram one charachter A
text = A , if A correct Then Send bot to john
- Good , Correct Charachter John.
- please Enter Next charachter
- desired_word : _ _ A _ _
- You have 9 chances.
ok ?
Now is the time,sara run my bot and start. my bot send for sara in telegram:
- Welcome to Guess the word Game.
- please Enter one charachter
- desired_word : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
- You have 18 chances.
Now , john send for bot,next charchater Z , my bot send for john in telegram:
- Bad , False Charachter John.
- please Enter Next charachter
- desired_word : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
- You have 17 chances.
See Question&Answers more detail:osThe groups telegram done in groups, as well as individually. maybe in group or maybe individually.