I have a BankAccount table. LINQ to SQL generates a class named “BankAccount” as shown below.
public partial class BankAccount : INotifyPropertyChanging, INotifyPropertyChanged
Now, being a newbie, I am newly creating the domain objects myself. Please see IBankAccount interface and FixedBankAccount class. The key point is there is polymorphic behavior – the IBankAccount can be FixedBankAccount or SavingsBankAccount.
For a different question with this example, I have following two comments.
- @mouters : “Its weird that you have repository objects and domain objects - should your repository not just return the domain objects?”
- @SonOfPirate : “The factory should be used by the repository to create the instance based on the data retrieved from the data store.”
1) I am manually creating domain entities. Is it wrong approach? If it is wrong, how the LINQ to SQL classes handle the polymorphism? How to add the methods to those classes?
2) How the factory should be used by the repository to create the instance based on the data retrieved from the data store? Any code example or reference ?
3) Will it satisfy Single Responsibility Principle?
public interface IBankAccount
int BankAccountID { get; set; }
double Balance { get; set; }
string AccountStatus { get; set; }
void FreezeAccount();
void AddInterest();
public class FixedBankAccount : IBankAccount
public int BankAccountID { get; set; }
public string AccountStatus { get; set; }
public double Balance { get; set; }
public void FreezeAccount()
AccountStatus = "Frozen";
public class BankAccountService
RepositoryLayer.IRepository<RepositoryLayer.BankAccount> accountRepository;
ApplicationServiceForBank.IBankAccountFactory bankFactory;
public BankAccountService(RepositoryLayer.IRepository<RepositoryLayer.BankAccount> repo, IBankAccountFactory bankFact)
accountRepository = repo;
bankFactory = bankFact;
public void FreezeAllAccountsForUser(int userId)
IEnumerable<RepositoryLayer.BankAccount> accountsForUser = accountRepository.FindAll(p => p.BankUser.UserID == userId);
foreach (RepositoryLayer.BankAccount oneOfRepositoryAccounts in accountsForUser)
DomainObjectsForBank.IBankAccount domainBankAccountObj = bankFactory.CreateAccount(oneOfRepositoryAccounts);
if (domainBankAccountObj != null)
domainBankAccountObj.BankAccountID = oneOfRepositoryAccounts.BankAccountID;
oneOfRepositoryAccounts.Status = domainBankAccountObj.AccountStatus;
public interface IBankAccountFactory
DomainObjectsForBank.IBankAccount CreateAccount(RepositoryLayer.BankAccount repositoryAccount);
public class MySimpleBankAccountFactory : IBankAccountFactory
//Is it correct to accept repositry inside factory?
public DomainObjectsForBank.IBankAccount CreateAccount(RepositoryLayer.BankAccount repositoryAccount)
DomainObjectsForBank.IBankAccount acc = null;
if (String.Equals(repositoryAccount.AccountType, "Fixed"))
acc = new DomainObjectsForBank.FixedBankAccount();
if (String.Equals(repositoryAccount.AccountType, "Savings"))
//acc = new DomainObjectsForBank.SavingsBankAccount();
return acc;