Can I check to see if current machine is running 64bit OS or 32bit OS inside a batch file?
Found this online and it is good enough to me now:
See Question&Answers more detail:osThis is the correct way to perform the check as-per Microsoft's knowledgebase reference ( ) that I have re-edited into just a single line of code.
It doesn't rely on any environment variables or folder names and instead checks directly in the registry.
As shown in a full batch file below it sets an environment variable OS equal to either 32BIT or 64BIT that you can use as desired.
@echo OFF
reg Query "HKLMHardwareDescriptionSystemCentralProcessor" | find /i "x86" > NUL && set OS=32BIT || set OS=64BIT
if %OS%==32BIT echo This is a 32bit operating system
if %OS%==64BIT echo This is a 64bit operating system