I do have certificates in DER and PEM format, my goal is to retrieve the fields of Issuer and Subject and verify the certificate with the CA public key and simultaneously verify CA certificate with the root public key.
I am able to retrieve all the details of issuer and subject but unable to verify the certificate.
The API used:
x509 = d2i_X509_fp (fp, &x509); //READING DER Format
x509 = PEM_read_X509 (fp, &x509, NULL, NULL); //READING PEM Format
//to retrieve the Subject:
X509_NAME_oneline(X509_get_subject_name(x509), subject, sizeof (subject));
//to retrieve the Issuer:
X509_NAME_oneline(X509_get_issuer_name(x509), issuer, sizeof (issuer));
//To store the CA public key (in unsigned char *key) that will be used to verify the
//certificate (in my case always sha1WithRSAEncryption):
RSA *x = X509_get_pubkey(x509)->pkey.rsa;
bn = x->n;
//extracts the bytes from public key & convert into unsigned char buffer
buf_len = (size_t) BN_num_bytes (bn);
stored_CA_pubKey = (unsigned char *)malloc (buf_len);
i_n = BN_bn2bin (bn, (unsigned char *)stored_CA_pubKey);
if (i_n != buf_len)
LOG(ERROR," : key error
if (key[0] & 0x80)
stored_CA_pubKeyLen = EVP_PKEY_size(X509_get_pubkey(x509));
For Verification I went through different approaches but I am unable to verify:
i_x509_verify = X509_verify(cert_x509, ca_pubkey);
/* verify the signature */
int iRet1, iRet2, iReason;
iRet1 = EVP_VerifyInit(&md_ctx, EVP_sha1());
iRet2 = EVP_VerifyUpdate(&md_ctx, cert_code, cert_code_len);
rv = EVP_VerifyFinal(&md_ctx, (const unsigned char *)stored_CA_pubKey,
stored_CA_pubKeyLen, cert_pubkey);
NOTE : cert_code and stored_CA_pubKey are unsigned char buffers.
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