I try use room library from google architecture. I write few codes based on the BasicSample from google, but database not created (for my code). Logcat does not contains errors and exceptions. Please help me find my mistake:
public class App extends Application {
private AppExecutors mAppExecutors;
private static final String TAG = "App";
public void onCreate() {
Log.i(TAG, "onCreate: enter");
mAppExecutors = new AppExecutors();
public AppDatabase getDatabase() {
return AppDatabase.getInstance(this, mAppExecutors);
My AppDatabase class looks:
@Database(entities = {Camera.class}, version = 1)
public abstract class AppDatabase extends RoomDatabase {
private static final String DATABASE_NAME = "mydatabase";
private static AppDatabase sInstance;
private AppExecutors mExecutors;
public abstract CameraDao cameraModel();
public static AppDatabase getInstance(final Context context, final AppExecutors executors) {
if (sInstance == null) {
synchronized (AppDatabase.class) {
if (sInstance == null) {
sInstance = buildDatabase(context.getApplicationContext(), executors);
return sInstance;
private static final String TAG = "AppDatabase";
private static AppDatabase buildDatabase(final Context context, final AppExecutors executors) {
Log.i(TAG, "buildDatabase: enter");
AppDatabase database = Room.databaseBuilder(context, AppDatabase.class, DATABASE_NAME)
.addCallback(new Callback() {
public void onCreate(@NonNull SupportSQLiteDatabase db) {
Log.i(TAG, "onCreate: ");
executors.diskIO().execute(() -> getInstance(context, executors).initDb());
database.mExecutors = executors;
Log.i(TAG, "buildDatabase: exit");
return database;
private void initDb() {
cameraModel().insert(new Camera(1, "Canon", "EOS 5d Mark III", 1024, 768, 24, 22, 0.0, true));
Dao interface:
public interface CameraDao {
void insert(Camera camera);
And Entity class:
// Camera.java
public class Camera {
@PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true)
public long id;
public String list_name;
public String camera_name;
public int max_resolution_width;
public int max_resolution_height;
public int max_sensor_width;
public int max_sensor_height;
public double coc;
public boolean is_auto_coc;
public Camera(long id, String list_name, String camera_name, int max_resolution_width, int max_resolution_height, int max_sensor_width, int max_sensor_height, double coc, boolean is_auto_coc) {
this.id = id;
this.list_name = list_name;
this.camera_name = camera_name;
this.max_resolution_width = max_resolution_width;
this.max_resolution_height = max_resolution_height;
this.max_sensor_width = max_sensor_width;
this.max_sensor_height = max_sensor_height;
this.coc = coc;
this.is_auto_coc = is_auto_coc;
public Camera(String list_name, String camera_name, int max_resolution_width, int max_resolution_height, int max_sensor_width, int max_sensor_height, double coc, boolean is_auto_coc) {
this.list_name = list_name;
this.camera_name = camera_name;
this.max_resolution_width = max_resolution_width;
this.max_resolution_height = max_resolution_height;
this.max_sensor_width = max_sensor_width;
this.max_sensor_height = max_sensor_height;
this.coc = coc;
this.is_auto_coc = is_auto_coc;
So, with this code database could not created. Callback for create db not called. Btw, if I have autoincrement field is it possible insert custom value (for special conditions).
My logcat for this code:
See Question&Answers more detail:os12-04 00:54:47.536 9150-9150/ru.neverdark.photonotes I/App: onCreate: enter
12-04 00:54:47.537 9150-9150/ru.neverdark.photonotes I/AppDatabase: buildDatabase: enter
12-04 00:54:47.541 9150-9150/ru.neverdark.photonotes I/AppDatabase: buildDatabase: exit