The answer to all of your questions ends up being one and the same: it depends on whether you need reference semantics or value semantics (with some caveats to be taken into account).
If you need reference semantics, which is what you have by default in languages like Java and C# for UDTs (User-defined Data Types) declared with the class
keyword, then you will have to go for smart pointers. In this scenario you want several clients to hold safe aliases to a specific object, where the word safe encapsulates these two requirements:
- Avoid dangling references, so that you won't try to access an object that doesn't exist anymore;
- Avoid objects which outlive all of the references to them, so that you won't leak memory.
This is what smart pointers do. If you need reference semantics (and if your algorithms are not such to make the overhead of reference counting significant where shared ownership is needed), then you should use smart pointers.
You do need reference semantics, for instance, when you want the same object to be part of several collections. When you update the object in one collection, you want the representations of the same object in all the other collections to be consistently updated. In this case, you store smart pointers to your objects in those collections. Smart pointers encapsulate the identity of an object rather than its value.
But if you do not need to create aliases, then value semantics is probably what you should rely on. This is what you get by default in C++ when you declare an object with automatic storage (i.e. on the stack).
One thing to consider is that STL collections store values, so if you have a vector<T>
, then copies of T
will be stored in your vector
. Always supposing that you do not need reference semantics, this might become anyway an overhead if your objects are big and expensive to copy around.
To limit the likelyhood of this scenario, C++11 comes with move operations, which make it possible to efficiently transfer objects by value when the old copy of the object is no more needed.
I will now try to use the above concepts to answer your questions more directly.
1) Should I return this class by value, or by smart pointer?
It depends on whether you need reference semantics or not. What does the function do with that object? Is the object returned by that function supposed to be shared by many clients? If so, then by smart pointer. If not, is it possible to define an efficient move operation (this is almost always the case)? If so, then by value. If not, by smart pointer.
2) Inside the class, should the vector and the objects be normal members, or should they be stored as smart pointers again?
Most likely as normal members, since vectors are usually meant to be conceptually a part of your object, and their lifetime is therefore bound to the lifetime of the object that embeds them. You rarely want reference semantics in such a scenario, but if you do, then use smart pointers.
3) In the vector, should I store the objects directly, or smart pointers to them again?
Same answer as for point 1): do you need to share those objects? Are you supposed to store aliases to those objects? Do you want changes to those objects to be seen in different parts of your code which refer those objects? If so, then use shared pointers. If not, is it possible to efficiently copy and/or move those objects? If so (most of the time), store values. If not, store smart pointers.
4) What should the getters defined on my Results class return (i.e. values, references or smart pointers)?
Same answer as for point 2): it depends on what you plan to do with the returned objects: do you want them to be shared by many parts of your code? If so, return a smart pointer. If they shall be exclusively owned by just one part, return by value, unless moving/copying those objects is too expensive or not allowed at all (quite unlikely). In that case, return a smart pointer.
As a side note, please be aware that smart pointers in C++ are a bit trickier than Java/C# references: first of all, you have two main flavors of smart pointers depending on whether shared ownership (shared_ptr
) or unique ownership (unique_ptr
) is desired. Secondly, you need to avoid circular references of shared_ptr
, which would create islands of objects that keep each other alive even though they are no more reachable by your running code. This is the reason why weak pointers (weak_ptr
) exist.
These concept naturally lead to the concept of responsibility for managing the lifetime of an object or (more generally) the management of a used resource. You might want to read about the RAII idiom for instance (Resource Acquisition Is Initialization), and about exception handling in general (writing exception-safe code is one of the main reasons why these techniques exist).