I have a batch that create shortcut based on the order of files, the problem is that when it comes to numbers he presents the following problem when passing the number 100.
I searched here and found various methods however the script I use works with folders and files that sometimes use accents, & and/or !
Example: C:Séries & MoviesRemix!.mkv (Brazil and use E place of and).
I wonder if there is any way to check the content and organize it can be properly before you save it in .ini or after saving the same in .ini.
- The folder path is loaded the first time the Set command.
- After entering the path he saved in an .ini file and always loaded.
- The Script list only files within the directory does not list subfolders and files and folders within it.
- The script needs other files to work the download link is below: https://www.mediafire.com/?zcoybkfo8k4nm1t
My Full Code:
@Echo off
Title Create shortcuts in alphabetical order
mode con:lines=3 cols=25
Color 1f
CD /D "%~dp0"
If Exist "Filescommand.ini" For /f "usebackq delims=" %%x in ("Filescommand.ini") do (set "%%x")
If Exist "FilesConfig.ini" For /f "usebackq delims=" %%x in ("FilesConfig.ini") do (set "%%x")
If Exist "FilesFiles.ini" Goto shortcuts
If Exist "Filescommand.ini" Goto shortcuts
If Exist "FilesConfig.ini" Goto shortcuts
for %%F in (""%1"") do Set "location-of-files=%%~F"
for %%F in ("%location-of-files%") do IF "%%~F" NEQ """" Set "location-of-files=%location-of-files:"=%" & Set Number=1 & Goto LocationofFiles2
mode con:lines=18 cols=78
Set "location-of-files=r1u4unoiwqa6">nul 2>&1
echo Location of Files
Set /p location-of-files="ˉ Location of Files: "
Set "location-of-files=%location-of-files:"=%"
Set Number=1
IF "%location-of-files%"=="r1u4unoiwqa6" Goto LocationofFiles
mode con:lines=18 cols=78
Set "Menu=">nul 2>&1
for %%F in ("%location-of-files%") do Echo %%~F
echo 1(Yes) 2(No)
Set/p Menu="ˉ Menu: "
IF "%Menu%"=="1" Goto Iniciar
IF "%Menu%"=="2" Goto LocationofFiles
Goto LocationofFiles2
if not exist "%location-of-files%" Cls & Start /Wait FilesError.vbs & Goto LocationofFiles
Set "Serie_Anime=">nul 2>&1
echo Name Serie
Set /p Serie_Anime="ˉ Name: "
IF "%Serie_Anime%"=="" Goto Name-AnimeSerie1
Set "Menu=">nul 2>&1
for %%F in ("%Serie_Anime%") do Echo %%~F
echo 1(Yes) 2(No)
Set/p Menu="ˉ Menu: "
IF "%Menu%"=="1" Goto shortcuts
IF "%Menu%"=="2" Goto Name-AnimeSerie1
Goto Name-AnimeSerie2
If Exist "FilesConfig.ini" For /f "usebackq delims=" %%x in ("FilesConfig.ini") do (set "%%x")
If Not Exist "%location-of-files%" Del /q "C:Users\%username%Desktop\%ep2% - %Serie_Anime%.lnk">nul 2>&1 & Start /Min /Wait FilesDesktopRefresh.exe>nul 2>&1 & Goto end
Dir /a-d /b "%location-of-files%" >FilesFiles.ini
Echo r1u4unoiwqa6.ending >>FilesFiles.ini
Start "exclamation01" /Min /Wait "Filesexclamation01.vbs">nul 2>&1
Set location-of-files > FilesConfig.ini
Set Serie_Anime >> FilesConfig.ini
Set Number > Filescommand.ini
If Exist "C:Users\%username%Desktop\%ep2% - %Serie_Anime%.lnk" Del /q "C:Users\%username%Desktop\%ep2% - %Serie_Anime%.lnk">nul 2>&1 & Start /Min /Wait FilesDesktopRefresh.exe>nul 2>&1
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
For /f "usebackq delims=" %%x in ("Filescommand.ini") do (set "%%x")
For /f "usebackq delims=" %%x in ("FilesConfig.ini") do (set "%%x")
set "cmd=findstr /R /N "^^" FilesFiles.ini | find /C ":""
for /f %%a in ('!cmd!') do set Numbers=%%a
set lines=%Number%
set Atual=1
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('type FilesFiles.ini') do (
for %%b in (!lines!) do (
if !Atual!==%%b Set "Ep1=%%a"
set /a "Atual = Atual + 1"
Set "Ep2=%Ep1%"
set "find=*."
call set delete=%%Ep2:!find!=%%
call set Ep2=%%Ep2:!delete!=%%
Set Ep2=%Ep2:.=%
Set Ep1 > Filescommand.ini
Set Ep2 >> Filescommand.ini
Set lines >> Filescommand.ini
Set Number >> Filescommand.ini
Start "exclamation02" /Min /Wait "Filesexclamation02.vbs">nul 2>&1
For /f "usebackq delims=" %%x in ("Filescommand.ini") do (set "%%x")
For /f "usebackq delims=" %%x in ("FilesConfig.ini") do (set "%%x")
IF "%Ep2%"=="r1u4unoiwqa6" Goto end
Start /Min /Wait FilesShortcut.exe /F:"C:Users\%username%Desktop\%ep2% - %Serie_Anime%.lnk" /A:C /t:"%location-of-files%\%Ep1%" /D:"Episode %Serie_Anime%">nul 2>&1
If Not Exist "C:Users\%username%Desktop[ shortcuts ].lnk" Echo %Serie_Anime%>Filesshortcut.ini & Start /Min /Wait Filesshortcut.vbs>nul 2>&1
Set /A Number = %lines% + 1
Set location-of-files > FilesConfig.ini
Set Serie_Anime >> FilesConfig.ini
Set Ep1 > Filescommand.ini
Set Ep2 >> Filescommand.ini
Set Number >> Filescommand.ini
If Not Exist "%location-of-files%" Start /Wait FilesPDoM.vbs>nul 2>&1
If Exist "%location-of-files%" Start /Wait Filesending.vbs>nul 2>&1
If Exist "%location-of-files%" Start "Anime" "%location-of-files%">nul 2>&1
Del /q "FilesFiles.ini">nul 2>&1
Del /q "Filesshortcut.ini">nul 2>&1
Del /q "Filescommand.ini">nul 2>&1
Del /q "FilesConfig.ini">nul 2>&1
Set "location-of-files=">nul 2>&1
Set "Serie_Anime=">nul 2>&1
Set "lines=">nul 2>&1
Set "Ep1=">nul 2>&1
Set "Ep2=">nul 2>&1
Goto LocationofFiles
Part where you need to use the DIR:
If Exist "FilesConfig.ini" For /f "usebackq delims=" %%x in ("FilesConfig.ini") do (set "%%x")
If Not Exist "%location-of-files%" Del /q "C:Users\%username%Desktop\%ep2% - %Serie_Anime%.lnk">nul 2>&1 & Start /Min /Wait FilesDesktopRefresh.exe>nul 2>&1 & Goto end
Dir /a-d /b "%location-of-files%" >FilesFiles.ini
Echo r1u4unoiwqa6.ending >>FilesFiles.ini
Start "exclamation01" /Min /Wait "Filesexclamation01.vbs">nul 2>&1
Set location-of-files > FilesConfig.ini
Set Serie_Anime >> FilesConfig.ini
Set Number > Filescommand.ini
If Exist "C:Users\%username%Desktop\%ep2% - %Serie_Anime%.lnk" Del /q "C:Users\%username%Desktop\%ep2% - %Serie_Anime%.lnk">nul 2>&1 & Start /Min /Wait FilesDesktopRefresh.exe>nul 2>&1
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
For /f "usebackq delims=" %%x in ("Filescommand.ini") do (set "%%x")
For /f "usebackq delims=" %%x in ("FilesConfig.ini") do (set "%%x")
set "cmd=findstr /R /N "^^" FilesFiles.ini | find /C ":""
for /f %%a in ('!cmd!') do set Numbers=%%a
set lines=%Number%
set Atual=1
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('type FilesFiles.ini') do (
for %%b in (!lines!) do (
if !Atual!==%%b Set "Ep1=%%a"
set /a "Atual = Atual + 1"
Set "Ep2=%Ep1%"
set "find=*."
call set delete=%%Ep2:!find!=%%
call set Ep2=%%Ep2:!delete!=%%
Set Ep2=%Ep2:.=%
Set Ep1 > Filescommand.ini
Set Ep2 >> Filescommand.ini
Set lines >> Filescommand.ini
Set Number >> Filescommand.ini
See Question&Answers more detail:osThanks in advance.