I am trying to grab the XML from the URI below and transform it into a csv file. How do I go about doing this with an Azure Logic app?
Step 1 in my Logic app is a HTTP trigger using the GET method:
HTTP trigger with GET method and URI containing the XML I want to parse
When I run Step 1 I get the following:
Essentially I want to parse the Body of of the HTTP trigger (Step 1) into a csv file. In other words I want to transform this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<string xmlns="https://www.crediblebh.com/"><NewDataSet>
into the following csv:
client_id,clientprogramscount,teamclientcount,employeeclientscount,questioncount,answercount,delvisitcount,savedvisitanswercount,cntclientsext,cntclientepisode,cntclientvisit,cntchangelog,cntchangelog,cntchangelogdetail,cntclientvisitapproval -99999,80066,68247,40415,190954,463010,7484,6950104,60330,68069,487500,13231067,13231067,1272642,29540
Sorry that I can't show the actual images in my post because apparently I don't have enough reputation points to embed actual images yet.
Thanks in advance for your help!